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Additionally, Cheryl Pytlarz leads volunteers in maintaining back country campsites in the Ottawa National Forest.  Camping in the Ottawa is an adventure in wilderness!

Looking for hikes that afford views of waterfalls and scenic vistas, hike the North Country Trail in the UP!  Club members Pat & Steve Bielke and Steve Kickert coordinate the maintenance of three sections of the Peter Wolfe Chapter of the  North Country Trail just west of O Kun de Kun Falls in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Join the Club and participate in these fabulous service and recreational opportunities!

A group of Club volunteers, led by Bob Turnquist, maintains the LOL Cross Country Ski Trails in the Ottawa National Forest.

The trails are located about 2.5
miles north of town on East Duck Lake Rd ...north from the library!

Bob also leads volunteers in maintaining hiking and back country ski trails in the Ottawa.  Check out this link to the Forest!

Please support these and other important recreational opportunities by joining the LOL Fish & Game Club and/or making a donation toward the cost of maintaining these valuable resources in the North Woods!

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