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Land O'Lakes Fish & Game Club

Welcome to the Land 0' Lakes Fish and Game Club, the oldest club of its kind in the state of Wisconsin.  During the 2023 summer season we celebrated 75 years of service in support of our mission:


Conservation - Education - Recreation! 


The 2024 schedule of programs & outings for our 76th season have been announced and are posted under the "Programs & Outings" button at the top.


The June 2024 program is Tuesday, June 4th at 6:30 pm at Lowenwood.














Click here to view the 'bio' for Jed Meunier!


This seasons programs and outings will continue the energy and enthusiasm of our outstanding 75th Anniversary Celebration.  Be sure to join us!



As a Club member, you have the opportunity to join with fellow members who participate in conservation projects, learn about our natural surroundings and work with the community of Land 0'Lakes to enhance the nature of the town and its surrounding lakes, streams and forests.  You will learn as you look through the following pages, the Club and its activities are very diversified and far reaching in scope, covering many fields of interest to satisfy the adventurous, as well as the more social interests of others.  We encourage you to participate in the activities and are sure that you will enjoy the benefits that you will reap for years to come.  Once again, Welcome to the Historic Land 0'Lakes Fish & Game Club.


Our Conservation Pledge:


I give my pledge as an American to save and faithfully to defend from waste, the natural resources of my country, its soils and minerals, its forests, waters and wildlife.

Jed Meunier_edited.jpg
Tropical Leaves

"Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does"

William James

Our Mission:

We, as citizens of the United States, vitally interested in the welfare of our Northwoods, believing a well-planned program of game and fish management essential to the preservation, propagation and protection of its fish and game, and desiring to do our part in making such a program effective, do hereby form an organization to be known as the Land O’ Lakes Fish and Game Club, Inc.  The purpose of this club shall be the furtherance of the idea of protection and restoration of our fish and game as well as our forests, lakes, and streams, and to cooperate with the Departments of Natural Resources, the US Forest Service and other governmental agencies whenever possible, in its various phases of natural resource management, to observe all conservation laws and to spread the doctrine of wildlife conservation at every opportunity.



Preserving Natural Resources and Bringing Change Through...


At the Land O'Lakes Fish & Game Club, we are dedicated to stepping up efforts to address issues in conservation.  By no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment, we believe we can facilitate progress in conservation. We are always striving to make a difference.

Education, through monthly summer programs, college scholarships, and grants to area teachers, the Land O'Lakes Fish & Game Club strives to advance conservation.  Our goal is to promote opportunities and empower those in positions to enhance conservation in future generations.

By engaging in outdoor actvities, we enrich our appreciation of the environments in which we live and upon which we are so dependent.  This recreation reinforces our connections to the natural world.

For more information on these areas, please visit the following pages:

Contact the
Land O'Lakes Fish & Game Club

P.O. Box 516

Land O'Lakes, Wisconsin 54540



©2023 by LandOLakesFish&Game. Proudly created with

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